Love Eve

February 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

He felt now that he was not simply close to her, but that he did not know where he ended and she began.  ~Leo Tolstoy

Ain't love grand?

It's the night before Valentine's and all through the house every creature is stirring, getting ready for a lovely Friday wedding.

Our bride is having a romantic church wedding in the late afternoon with her friends and family around her. What a perfect day to celebrate love.

Here at SunShot we think love is kind of a big deal, and we try to make our love known regularly. We love each other, we love our beautiful sons, and we love the opportunities we get to celebrate love through the lens while witnessing your weddings.  When we hear the timeless words of commitment, when the couple locks eyes and clasps hands, we remember what it felt like on our day. We'll often catch each other's eyes across the aisle and smile, reliving that moment of perfect love, where no one else exists.  Later, at the reception, amogst all the laughter, happy tears, dancing, and cake, we're living it right along with you, experiencing the joy. We're guilty of looking knowingly at each othe during the couples dances, where the DJ will say, "Everyone that has been married less than fifteen years leave the floor,"  knowing we'd still be out there dancing too.

Does there have to be a special day to celebrate love? Of course not. But there's really no harm in picking a day to make it a special point to tell that special someone how treasured they are. 

I leave you with this:

You know you're in love when you don't want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.  ~Dr. Seuss




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