Just For Fun

February 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Happy Wednesday!  Are you ready for a little break?  Aren't we all?  Like most folks, we cruise the interwebs for a little fun from time to time, and today we saw a funny thing about why you should hire a professional:  Because your girlfriend that said she would take your pictures is going to get drunk at your wedding.

Okay, so maybe she won't get drunk, but your friend should be enjoying your day with you, while the professionals are there to do a job.  While you are dancing, singing, eating, (and we don't take pictures of you eating, because nobody looks good in mid-chew) laughing and crying, we are on the move, watching, aiming, shooting.  Your friend is going to be laughing, eating, and drinking right along with you, and that's the way it should be.  When you hire a professional, you leave the worrying about capturing the details to us, so you can get on with your celebration without worrying that something will be missed.  When you hire us you get two photographers, so we can have even more eyes on the situation. When you make your grand entrace, one of us will be tracking your happy steps, while the other will be capturing the reaction of the guests. While the bouquet is being tossed, one of us will be focusing on the bride, the other on all the single ladies. 

There is so much fun to be had on your big day, and you want all of your friends and family to enjoy it right along with you. And while we get a buzz off of all the positive energy at your wedding, we never forget that we are there to provide a service, to do a job (that we love) and to capture your radiance!


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